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Registration Fees


Registration fees for participation in presence, per person

Please read carefully the instructions to choose the fee which applies to you




Early registration
until 10 May 2024

Late registration
from 11 May
to 29 May 2024 and onsite registration


Vat included

Vat included


€ 500.00

€ 550.00

Student (proof of status is required)

€ 250.00

€ 300.00

Accompanying person**

€ 200.00

€ 250.00

Auditor*** half day


€ 100.00

Auditor*** one day


€ 150.00

Auditor*** all days


€ 250.00


* Fee includes: Admission to all technical sessions, Coffee breaks, Snack lunch, Gala dinner.

  Each Delegate can present no more than one contribution

** Fee includes: Gala dinner (Gala dinner is not included for students)

*** not presenting or speaking at the conference.


Online registration will be accepted until May 29th (payments by bank transfer) and May 31st (payment by credit card).

Please remember that if authors do not register within May 10 their paper will not be included in the conference proceedings.

On-site registration, by credit card or cash, will be accepted.

In case of cancellation after payment of the Registration fee:

  • before May 20 2024: 50% refund;
  • after 21 May 2024: No refund

Name change

One name change is possible within May 20 after this deadline a fee of 60 Eur is required per name change.

Important: before filling in the form and choosing the registration fee, please read carefully the following pieces of information.

Cross border VAT rules apply within Italy and the EU (implementation of Council Directive 2008/8/EC), for further information, see, select your country and enter the above mentioned Council Directive number in the search field.

According to your country of origin different VAT rules apply.

Italian registrants: please refer to ‘Italian registrants only’ paragraph.

I.Fees inclusive of 22% VAT (1) “VAT INCLUDED” must be paid by:

  • Non Taxable Persons (2) from
  • EU member States and outside EU

(those who do not hold a VAT number).

  • Italian participants see "Italian registrants only" for exceptions).

II. Fees not inclusive of 22% VAT (“zero-rated VAT”) must be paid by:

  • European Union registrants with a valid EU VAT number (for instance individuals who are entrepreneurs or self-employed persons), Italians excluded.

Namely, if you are a EU VAT (3) NUMBER HOLDER you possess a VAT Number which is preceded by your ISO country code: (Austria AT, Belgium BE, Bulgaria BG, Croatia HR, Cyprus CY, Czech Republic CZ, Denmark DK, Estonia EE, Finland FI, France FR, Germany DE, Great Britain GB, Greece EL, Great Britain GB, Hungary HU, Ireland IE, Latvia LV, Lithuania LT, Luxembourg LU, Malta MT, Netherlands NL, Poland PL, Portugal PT, Romania RO, Slovak Republic SK, Slovenia SI, Spain ES, Sweden SE).

A valid VIES VAT number preceded by the EU ISO country code (or a valid VAT number from other countries) must be entered in the registration form.
Econsulting S.r.l. is required to check the validity of your VAT number by means of a VAT Information Exchange System, a web link to the member States’ tax system (3).
Please note: if the VAT number is not valid in the EU but only in the country of residence the fee inclusive of 22% Vat applies.

  • Non-Italian companies’ business delegates (both within and outside EU) with a valid VAT number or registered trade registration number which needs to be clearly stated in the registration form; for instance, you are an employee or manager and your company is paying the conference registration fee on your behalf.

-Italian registrants only

  • I partecipanti residenti in Italia sono tenuti a versare la quota comprensiva di Iva (“Fees inclusive of 22% VAT”).

Raccomandiamo a tutti indistintamente di inserire nella scheda il numero di Codice fiscale, elemento indispensabile per l’emissione della fattura, e l’indirizzo di residenza.
I liberi professionisti, oltre al numero di Codice fiscale, devono indicare nella scheda anche il loro numero di Partita Iva.

  • Le società con sede legale in Italia che eventualmente versano la quota di iscrizione per un proprio dipendente sono tenute a pagare la quota comprensiva di Iva (“Fees inclusive of 22% VAT”). Specificare nella scheda: ragione sociale e sede legale, numero di Partita Iva e Codice fiscale della società, codice utile per emissione fattura elettronica.
  • Enti pubblici (P.A.) Qualora la quota di iscrizione fosse versata da un ente pubblico/università/onlus per conto del partecipante, l’amministrazione competente, ove applicabile, può richiedere per iscritto, su carta intestata e specificando il nominativo del partecipante, l’applicazione dell’Art. 14. c. 10 L. 537 del 14/12/93 per l’esenzione Iva o per lo "split payment". La richiesta specifica, corredata dall’articolo di legge di riferimento e di numero d’ordine e SDI va indirizzata a Econsulting S.r.l., Via G. Cassiani, 15 – 00155 Roma ed inviata via email a . Pregasi riportare nella scheda di iscrizione sia il Codice fiscale che la partita Iva. In questi casi sarà applicata la quota “Zero rated VAT”. Sarà emessa una fattura elettronica con richiesta pagamento a ricevimento fattura.


Via Gennaro Cassiani 15 
00155 Roma
P.I./CF 10832521008

ATTENZIONE: l'iscrizione è confermata solo ed esclusivamente a ricezione del versamento. Gli uffici amministrazione o uffici acquisti possono richiedere 30 o 60 giorni di tempo per il pagamento raccomandiamo pertanto ai delegati di effettuare la loro richiesta all'ufficio competente molto tempo prima della data di scadenza delle iscrizioni e di non inviare il modulo di iscrizione senza le informazioni relative al pagamento. 

Glossary and reference

(1) VAT: Value Added Tax
(2) Taxable person: For VAT purposes, a taxable person is any individual, partnership, company or whatever which supplies taxable goods and services in the course of business.
(3) VAT Number: Registered taxable persons or entities are given a VAT Identification number in their own country. In order to use it for value added tax purposes within the EU it has to be registered in the VIES (Vat Information Exchange System). The validity of your EU VAT identification number can be verified online at; please verify it before sending your form as if it is not a valid VIES number we are unable to charge.