AIGE/IIETA International Conference 0

The 10th AIGE/IIETA International Conference and the 20th AIGE 2025 Conference on "Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems" is organized under the auspices of the AIGE and IIETA with the aim of providing technical information to their members and to the scientific and industrial community at large.
The joint Conferences have as their aim to create a binding platform for researchers from universities, research institutions and industries involved in the organization as well as students to network, learn more and share their knowledge. They will pursue the goal of providing a forum for the exposure and the exchange of technical information. The joint Conferences will give the opportunity to discuss the state of the art and to present experimental, analytical and numerical results in Energy Conversion Systems, in the Energy Management with reference to Economic and Thermodynamics, in Energy Recovery Systems, in Energy Saving Techniques, Energy Storage Systems and Renewable Systems with a particular attention to the Environment.
A short presentation of AIGE and IIETA is given in the following:
International Information and Engineering Technology Association, or in short IIETA was founded in Edmonton, AB, Canada. It is an association composed of scholars and researchers coming from various universities and research institutes worldwide. The goal is to develop a platform that can facilitate exchange of research ideas and to enhance scientific communication between individual researchers. IIETA has been producing the highest quality journals since the very first day of its establishment. Each year IIETA organizes and sponsors many international conferences, symposia and workshops. IIETA publishes several scientific periodicals that are indexed by many prominent indexing and abstracting services.
In April 2005, on indication of the Rector of the University of Bologna and Italian Rector Conference professor Enrico Lorenzini coordinate the organization of the "National Conference on Energy". It was considered useful to continue the experience and prof. Lorenzini was invited to coordinate Associazione Italiana Gestione Energia AIGE (Italian Energy Management Association) birth.